Translating results from large-scale genetic association studies into public health-relevant measures

Dr. Andrea Ganna
FIMM-EMBL group leader at the Institute of Molecular Medicine Finland, HiLIFE, University of Helsinki. Research associate at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School.
Friday, December 2, 2022 - 12:00pm
Hybrid Event, Maple Room, University of Toronto, Room UY9014, 9th Floor, 700 University Avenue, Toronto, ON M5G 1Z5
Invited Speaker Seminar
I will describe different efforts that our team is pursuing to translate results from genome-wide association studies into clinically and public-health-relevant applications. The talk will touch upon the use of polygenic scores for disease prediction and their value in informing patients’ disease prognosis. I will discuss our recent work in mapping the impact of genetic risk factors on healthy life years (Jukarainen et al, Nature Medicine, 2022) and the use of genetics to understand the causal impact of modifiable risk factors on healthcare costs. Finally, I will show how nationwide registry data, together with genetic information, can enhance high-throughput epidemiological analyses to answer public health-relevant questions, such as COVID-19 vaccination uptake.