Weston Brain Institute

International Fellowships in Neuroscience - Weston Brain Institute

The Weston Brain Institute International Fellowships in Neuroscience will benefit Canada and Canadians by developing leading neuroscientists and enhancing our international competitiveness in the knowledge economy. The Fellowship will provide $60,000 per year (prorated as needed) to U of T graduate students conducting translational research in neurodegenerative diseases of aging. This award will enable outstanding students to travel to and work in world-renowned labs to further their research. The goal is to build international collaborations, foster influential neuroscience research and bring enhanced research capabilities back to Canada.

Questions regarding the International Fellowships in Neuroscience Program can be directed to Rachel Reeve E-mail: Rachel.Reeve@Weston.ca Phone: (416) 965-5656
Wednesday, March 1, 2017