Immuno-Bioengineering Approaches in Cancer Immunotherapy

Dr. Naoto Hirano
Department of Immunology, University of Toronto, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, University Health Network
Thursday, September 14, 2023 - 12:00pm
McLennan Physical Laboratories, Room MP606
Invited Speaker Seminar
Synthetic biology is a fast-growing multidisciplinary area of research studying innovative and disruptive approaches for creating new biological systems or re-designing existing ones. Synthetic biology approaches in immunology have facilitated scientific discoveries and inventions to investigate the immune system, which protects humans from illness and infection through multiple layers of defence. For example, adoptive immunotherapies based on genetic and cellular engineering such as the adoptive transfer of T-cells redirected with a synthetic Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) gene have achieved great successes in the clinic and benefited patients with intractable cancer. In this presentation, I would like to share our experiences and insights in synthetic biology approaches in cancer immunology and immunotherapy (Butler, et al., Sci Transl Med. 2011; Butler and Hirano, Immunol Rev. 2014: Ochi, et al., Cancer Immunol Res. 2015; Kagoya, et al., Nat Med. 2018; Benveniste, et al., Sci Immunol. 2018; Kagoya, Guo, et al., Cancer Immunol Res. 2020; Murata, et al., eLife. 2020; Sugata and Matsunaga, et al., Nat Biotechnol. 2021; Murata, et al. J Immunol. 2022; Wang C-H, et al., Unpublished. 2023).
Prof. Sid Goyal
BiophysTO Lunchtime Talks