Cracking the bioelectric code: targeting endogenous physiological networks for advances in regenerative medicine and synthetic bioengineering

Michael Levin
Tufts University
Thursday, April 26, 2018 - 12:00pm
Pharmacy Building Room 850
Special Seminar
A key property of living tissues is their ability to perform pattern homeostasis: harnessing individual cell behaviors toward creation and repair of complex anatomies during embryogenesis and regeneration. How can the decision-making abilities of cells be targeted for advances in regenerative medicine and synthetic bioengineering? Our group has discovered that an important aspect of information processing at the tissue and organ level occurs via endogenous bioelectrical signaling: spatio-temporal patterns of resting potential (across all cells, not just neurons) which store and process pattern memories that help direct growth and form. In this talk, I will explain the basics of non-neural bioelectricity, illustrate the new molecular techniques we have developed to read and write patterning information into tissues, and show examples of the control of large-scale pattern by specific modulation of patterns of resting potential. Recent examples include reprogramming of tumors, converting gut tissue into complete eyes, induction of appendage regeneration, innervation control, and repair of teratogen- and mutation-induced birth defects. While we have identified transduction machinery and transcriptional targets of bioelectric change in single cells, the biggest open questions concern computationally understanding the dynamics of large-scale bioelectric circuits for pattern control. I will conclude the talk with a perspective on the exciting opportunities in synthesizing machine learning and electroceutical compounds for advances in regenerative repair, cancer normalization, and synthetic morphology.
Keith Pardee
Global Speaker Series
Ontario Institute for Regenerative Medicine