Dr. Julie St-Pierre
Ottawa Institute of Systems Biology
Friday, April 6, 2018 - 10:00am
MSB 4279
Invited Speaker Seminar
The transformation of heathy cells into cancer cells necessitates major metabolic reorganizations specifically tailored to meet the high energy demands associated with rapid cell proliferation. We are using a combination of genomics and metabolomics approaches to define this transformation and uncover the metabolic adaptations that drive primary breast tumor growth, metastasis and therapeutic resistance. We discovered that a central regulator of metabolism, PGC-1α, promotes the growth of poor outcome breast cancers by controlling intra-tumoral glucose availability. Recently, we revealed that PGC-1α controls bioenergetic flexibility, which supports breast cancer progression and resistance to energy disruptors like metformin. In this talk, I will discuss the role of metabolism in breast cancer and highlight metabolic vulnerabilities that could be targeted for therapeutic purposes.
Dr. Jason Moffat
Department of Molecular Genetics