To kill a bacterium you need to think like a bacterium

Prof. Eric Brown
McMaster University
Friday, March 2, 2018 - 10:00am
Best Institute, 112 College St., Rm #114
Antibiotic drug resistance has reached crisis proportions, principally because modern industrial drug discovery efforts have failed to provide new antibiotics. In the Brown lab, we are investigating enigmatic processes that are essential for the survival of bacterial pathogens and are working to understand these processes in the context of complex cell systems. The Brown research group is also developing creative chemical-biology platforms to enable the discovery and characterization of new chemical probes with utility as tool compounds in exploring complex biology. Efforts to date have resulted in new knowledge, platforms, chemical probes and lead compounds for antibacterial research. The ultimate goal of these studies is to contribute fresh directions for new antibacterial therapies.
Dr. Shana Kelley