Dr. Thomas Hurd
NYU School of Medicine
Wednesday, February 15, 2017 - 11:00am
CCBR Red Room
Faculty Recruitment Seminar
Unique among organelles, mitochondria contain their own genomes, and are inherited maternally through mechanisms that are not well understood. Using Drosophila as a model, my research investigates the mechanisms of mitochondrial inheritance and the roles mitochondria play in germline development. First, we identify a mechanism that anchors mitochondria to the oocyte posterior—the site of primordial germ cell formation—ensuring mitochondria are passed on to subsequent generations. Second, through a transcriptome-wide in vivo RNAi screen, we show that the mitochondrial ATP synthase plays an unexpected, non-canonical role in early germline stem cell differentiation through inner mitochondrial membrane remodeling
Dr. Marc Meneghini
Department of Molecular Genetics