Dr. Eric Schmidt
Chief and Andrew M. Tager, MD Endowed Chair
Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
Massachusetts General Hospital
Associate Professor of Medicine
Harvard Medical School
Tuesday, January 9, 2024 - 3:00pm
Via Zoom
Invited Speaker Seminar
1. To understand what the endothelial glycocalyx is, and how it promotes vascular homeostasis.
2. Understand how glycocalyx degradation mediates multi-organ dysfunction during sepsis.
3. To understand the impact of fluid resuscitation practices on glycocalyx integrity.
Dr. Warren L. Lee
IDCCM Visiting Professor Rounds
Virtual Seminar ID:
https://ca01web.zoom.us/j/63104883037?pwd=cUJ2akJMaUlMak10bkVhTUZwNVJBQT09 Meeting ID: 631 0488 3037
Virtual Seminar Password:
Passcode: 12345