One cell divides into three things?--The curious story of the midbody remnant

Ahna Skop, PhD
University of Wisconsin, Madison, Department of Genetics
Friday, October 20, 2023 - 11:00am
Ramsay Wright Building, Room 432
Invited Speaker Seminar
The midbody (MB) is a transient structure at the spindle midzone that is required for cytokinesis, the terminal stage of cell division. Long ignored as a vestigial remnant of cytokinesis, MBs are released post-abscission as extracellular vesicles called MB remnants (MBRs) and more evidence suggest that they can modulate cell proliferation, fate decisions, tissue polarity, neuronal architecture, and tumorigenic behavior. Here, we demonstrate that the MB matrix—the structurally amorphous MB core of unknown composition—is the site of ribonucleoprotein assembly and is enriched in mRNAs that encode proteins involved in cell fate, oncogenesis, and pluripotency, that we are calling the MB granule. Using a quantitative transcriptomic approach, we identified a population of mRNAs enriched in MBs and confirmed their presence in signaling MBRs released by abscission. The MB granule is unique in that it is translationally active, contains both small and large ribosomal subunits, and has both membrane-less and membrane-bound states. Both MBs and post-abscission MBRs are sites of spatiotemporally regulated translation, which is initiated when nascent daughter cells re-enter G1 and continues after extracellular release. We present a model in which the assembly of RNP complexes are central to MB function and suggest the MBR serves as a novel mode of RNA-based intercellular communication with a defined biogenesis that is coupled to abscission, and inherently links cell division status with signaling capacity. To our knowledge, this is the first example of an autonomous large extracellular vesicle with active translation activity.
CSB Trainees - Tammy Lee, Saltzman Lab
Dept of Cell and Systems Biology
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