Drs. Igor Staglijar & Ashleigh Tuite
University of Toronto
Wednesday, May 27, 2020 - 12:00pm
By Zoom Invitation
Special Seminar
Biochemistry Community Event Series To keep our community connected through these times, we have planned a weekly zoom series on Wednesdays at 12-1 pm for all students, postdocs, staff, faculty, alumni of Biochemistry and other U of T departments. Zoom details will be sent out via email. If you would like to join and are not on our mailing list, please send your email, your position and lab affiliation to nana.lee@utoronto.ca with a subject heading: Request to join BCE. In this hour, Dr. Houry will host a discussion on the covid research work which our own Biochemisty Dr. Igor Staglijar and Epidemiologist Dr. Ashleigh Tuite are pursuing.
Walid Houry