Dr. Gaia Novarino
Institute of Science and Technology Austria
Monday, February 24, 2020 - 4:00pm
PGCRL Auditorium, 686 Bay St., SickKids
Departmental Seminar
Autism was described for the first time in 1943, by Dr. Leo Kanner who
used the term to describe 11 children who seemed to prefer isolation to social
interaction. Despite Dr. Kanner’s immediate suggestion that autism was an inborn
disorder, it took almost 40 years until the first study proved a connection between
genetics and autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). Due to the developmental character
(and the late diagnosis), ASDs have been considered a group of non-curable
disorders. However, recently a number of investigations encourage a revision of
ASDs as paradigmatic developmental disorders and warrant studies headed toward
a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying their possible reversibility. In
my talk I will outline how combining human genetic information with studies of
animal models we can study molecular mechanisms underlying ASD and attempt to
determine to which extent ASD are potentially treatable.
Dr. James Ellis
Department of Molecular Genetics